Thursday 17 January 2008

video evaluation

hey guys my last video blog is on the youtube site for clanvid so check it out to hear what happened behind the scenes and hopefully soon we will release our outtakes! thanks to everyone who came to watch it too!

Saturday 12 January 2008

clanvid are a go!

ok guys so hope everyone has had a great x mas and i know i have!

firstly since we have been back clanvid has met up a couple of times and annoyingly enough we seem to have made some significant changes to our performance again!

As you know we are splitting this into 3 different areas for our audience;

Comedy - me
Politics - dan
Art house - clem

Within each of these our videos have changed as with my comedy instead of being something aimed towards the female audience but could be offensive (meaning i dont really want to say what it was as it was prett crude) so now we had a talk and decided on making our own channel called BOBCAST which is a male version of the channel called Babecast. This channel itself is basically a bunch of babes taking phone calls or texts and the person on the end of the phone can issue commands shall we say to the female avatar on tv. Were going to put ourselves in the 'babes' positions however call ourselves BOB hence the name bobcast. We will have 3 scenes for each of the bobs one in the shower one on a bed and the other will be either in the kitchen or the lounge.

For the politics piece, we have changed too! we were originally planning an interview with anne widdicombe and addressing certain issues, however we then changed to using David CAmeron and splicing scenes of him to answer our questions.

The art house is still the same only the method has changed as we are now going to be using a still picture and we will project it on the screen and leave ablank book infront with simple directions to write what they see. This is one of our main focus's as we loved the idea of hypermediacy and wanted to use this effect within looking at an artificial window yet make the audience watch it and see what happens.

what is cool to you?