Wednesday 24 October 2007

Week 4 - Is it cool to be cool? I'm confused?!

ok so today were thinking about the idea of being 'cool' and what the definition of cool means?

Even though exploring different variations of this word, i find that there is no exact meaning for it. Everything in life seems to have to have a meaning behind it. For example any action any piece of drama or anything that happens today must have a reasone behind why it exists and what the hidden messages are and what makes it 'cool' or 'un-cool' to its target audience.

For example looking at the continuing war in Iraq we can seperate ourselves intotwo different opinions, being that the war politically is incorrect and thousands of soldiers are dying, the native people of Iraq are suffering and its all a race to gain possession of the oil reserves out there! negatively this is 'un-cool' and most people would agree in saying that.

Would you agree to these videos-


However some people would look at it seeing the bloodshed and violence being used with explosions and tanks missiles and guns etc and this can be seen as 'cool'.

Within the video from south park we see that schools use the word 'cool' to segregate groups of people from others and can be used to describe people.

I cant really say any more about this word as there are so many different meanings for it depending on the person and context its used in.

Feel free to let me know what you think is cool either by the meaning of the word to you or to what in general do you classify as cool e.g- the wii, guns etc.

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what is cool to you?